Sign up for a FREE 7-day trial today, or jump right in for $95/month for unlimited access. It’s efficient and fun and really affordable. It serves you problems based on your skill level and what you need to work on. And as you continue to use the platform, the Demon identifies your strengths and weaknesses with regards to the test. Along the way, you can access video and written explanations from Ben and Nathan.

While you work, the LSAT Demon sees how long it takes you to complete a question and whether you answered correctly. You log in and start answering LSAT questions straight away. that’s simple to use and a powerful way to improve your LSAT skills. Ben and Nathan have developed the LSAT Demon. You’ve heard about it, and now it’s coming to your LSAT prep courtesy of the Thinking LSAT team. Plus, the guys answer a bunch of listener quandaries-someone attempts to rebut the presumption, citing the fact that they live with their parents a listener asks about working for an LSAT-prep company and the guys decipher some misleading info espoused by other LSAT prep courses.Ĩ:03 – The future is here, dear listeners. LSAT-tutoring platform developed by Ben and Nathan. In this episode, you’ll learn about the LSAT Demon: the new A.I. But the slow death of one of Nathan’s favorite brands doesn’t keep the guys from getting fired up. With so many new rules and restrictions on the service, Nathan can’t frequent the theater nearly as much as he once did. The summer’s winding down, and as the days grow shorter the guys lament the swan song of the once-great Movie Pass.